Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Libgdx discovery

Here we go!
This is a few week we work on a tower defence game for android.
We choose to do it with libgdx cause it looks awesome :)

So, before start the entire project, we have make some test, to learn this library, and to found the better way to realise it.

On my side, I choose to test the Scene2D package to run the differente element of the game.

I make the background map with Tiled.

Thanks to my test, I was able to create this uml class diagram to represent what the game should look like:

UML class Diagram 0.1

This is a first draft, I have to imlpement the sound, the user property and I think I should create a new GameScreen class to run the different level and transform the StartGameScreen to a "level chooser".

I'm not proud of this but I make a reference of my StartGameScreen in each image extending class to add the actor in the Stage. I'll try to see if there is a better way to do this!